
Golden Wolf Video Slot

The untamed wilderness is brought directly to you thanks to the wonders of modern online slot gaming, where nature's fiercest creatures roam free, and fortunes await those brave enough to spin the reels of Golden Wolf by Saucify. This 5x3 slot game boasts 25 paylines that promise thrills, excitement, and untold treasures.

Golden Wolf slot machine takes you to the heart of the wild, where realistic graphics bring the untamed beauty of nature to life. Prepare to encounter majestic bison, swift horses, powerful bears, soaring eagles, and the eponymous Golden Wolf, all serving as special symbols.

In this thrilling adventure, all wins are earned from left to right, except for the elusive Scatter symbols, which pay out regardless of their position on the reels. Each payline win is multiplied by the credits wagered per line, while Scatter wins are calculated based on the total credits wagered, giving you multiple opportunities to strike it big. But more on that later in our Golden Wolf slot Review.

The Great Outdoors 

Players are welcome to journey through the breathtaking scenery of snow-covered mountains, where towering pine trees reach for the skies, and a pristine wilderness stretches as far as the eye can see. Saucify's meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of the game's art and graphics immerses players in a world of natural wonder.

The backdrop of snow-covered mountains sets the tone for the untamed nature theme and creates a serene and majestic ambiance. The crisp and vibrant graphics make each element of the game pop, from the roaring bison to the majestic horse, the formidable bear, the proud eagle, and, of course, the elusive Golden Wolf, all of which are intricately designed and rendered.

The symbols come to life with remarkable clarity, allowing players to truly appreciate these creatures' beauty. Whether you chase the wolf's howl or the horse's thundering hooves, Golden Wolf's art and graphics make every spin a visual delight in the heart of the wild.

Befriending the Local Wildlife 

Golden Wolf offers a captivating blend of base mechanics and exciting features that enhance the thrill of each spin. Here's a comprehensive look at what makes this game truly engaging. 

Special Symbols 

  • Wild Symbol: The Wild symbol, represented by the Golden Wolf, substitutes for all symbols except Scatter symbols, helping you create winning combinations. 
  • Free Spins Symbol: Keep an eye out for the Free Spins symbol, which appears exclusively on reels 1, 3, and 5. Landing 3 of these symbols triggers 8 FREE SPINS. 
  • Extra Spins / Scatter: During Free Spins, 2 Scatter symbols on reels 1 and 5 award 3 Extra Free Spins, extending your bonus gameplay. 

Free Spins Feature

  • Activate Free Spins: Achieve the Free Spins by landing 3 Free Spins symbols on the specified reels. Free Spins cannot be retriggered during this feature. 
  • Mega Reel: In Free Spins, reels 2, 3, and 4 merge into a MEGA REEL. After each spin, the center symbol on reel 3 expands to become a MEGA symbol, covering reels 2, 3, and 4. 

Feature Game

  • Feature Symbols: Look for Feature game symbols on all reels. The Feature game is triggered when you land 3 or more Feature game symbols anywhere on the reels. 
  • The Feature Game: Players begin the Feature Game with 3 spins, and extra spins are awarded when an Extra Spins symbol appears. 
  • Active Symbols: During the Feature game, only Feature symbols are active and held for the feature's duration. 
  • Prize Reveal: Once all spins have been completed, each Feature symbol unveils a prize value or a Jackpot prize, with prizes proportional to the total bet amount of the base game. 
  • Feature Exclusivity: The Feature cannot be triggered during Free Spins, ensuring a clear distinction between these two exciting bonus elements. 
  • With these mechanics and features, Golden Wolf slots promise an exhilarating gaming experience that keeps players engaged and eager for more spins.


What is the best-paying symbol in Golden Wolf? 

The impressive bison yields prizes to match with up to 500 coins if you manage to chase 5 of those at once!

Are there alternative modes to play Golden Wolf at Red Dog Casino? 

The game comes with a newbie-friendly demo mode feature. You can play Golden Wolf online slot for free without any upfront investments besides your time. If you think the game is to your liking, you can effortlessly switch to playing Golden Wolf for real money and get some of those wins!

How far does the great outdoors reach? 

As far as you want it to. The game is playable on mobile devices like phones and tablets and doesn't require an app download.

Final Thoughts 

Golden Wolf by Saucify is a captivating slot game that seamlessly blends the beauty of nature with thrilling gameplay. Its stunning graphics, rewarding special symbols, and engaging features like Free Spins and the Feature Game offer a truly immersive experience. Embark on an adventure into the wild, looking for fun, and discover the treasures that await in this majestic slot game. Happy spinning! 

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