
Blackjack Odds and House Edge Explained

November 26th, 2024



In gambling establishments, you can find tabletop entertainments in different categories, among them, you can play roulette, poker, baccarat, and, of course, Blackjack. In such types, you need experience and the ability to analyze the situation. Here, you will not be helped by lucky alone, although they are based on the mechanism of the random number generator, but if you connect the calculations of coefficients, you can significantly increase your chances of winning. If you understand the particular gambling, because it has already existed for several centuries, it has many variations and interesting points. 

On the one hand, it seems like a simple game; after all, there is a deck, a dealer, and a player, and the cards are dealt until someone gets an approximate number of 21, but if you apply a little math skills and use developed strategies, you can have a good chance of winning almost every round. This article will show you what probabilities are and how they can be calculated and put into practice, and you will learn all the detailed and unique information that will be your lifeline when you decide to play on an online platform.

What Are Blackjack Odds

Probabilities in this table play are mathematical calculations that explain the odss of a particular moment, they can also be payouts for winnings, draws, or Black Jack outcomes. They are the basis for strategic planning, which ultimately helps you make informed and profitable decisions. If you learn how to use the probabilities, you will reduce House Edge many times and become an experienced player in this field. 

Basic Blackjack Odds Explained

As we said before, the probabilities help participants assess their chances of a positive outcome and calculate the best strategies, this is an excellent key to maximize their winnings. Let's take a look at the main probabilities: 

  1. Black Jack - this entertainment involves combining two cards that yield 21 points. The standard payout is 3:2. 
  2. Standard Win - here, the payout is 1:1. 
  3. Insurance - a useful thing that will be a lifesaver for many users.
  4. Draw - here, the bet is returned 1:1. 
  5. Overtake - the probability for the player will depend on the current amount of points. The higher the amount, the higher the probability of an overcall. 

To move on the topic further, you should thoroughly study these basic probabilities, which have been explained earlier. Starting from them, you can combine different variations to develop a future strategy. 

Player's Blackjack Odds Table

To help you better understand the essence of probabilities, we have prepared a blackjack odds card that can be used to develop further strategies for players. 

Player's point totalOvershoot probabilityFurther strategy
11 and under0%Take a card
1231%Take the next card if the dealer has 4-6; stop if the dealer has 4-6; if not, stop
1339%Stop if the dealer has 2-6. If not, take the next card
1447%Stop if the dealer has 2-6. If not, take the next card
1558%Stop if the dealer is 2-6. If not, take the next card. If not, take the next card
1662%Stop if the dealer is 2-6. If not, take the next card. If not, take the next card
17 and above100%Stop for good

By analyzing this data, you can make more informed decisions and end the entertainment positively. 

The Dealer's Blackjack Odds Table

Since Black Jack is a dealer-participant interaction, these provide you with a blackjack odds chart for dealers. 

Open dealer cardProbability of dealer override

This data will help you understand whether it is worth taking a risk on certain dealer cards. 


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Probability of Different Outcomes in Blackjack

As you know, there are only three main outcomes in the entertainment: a win for the player, a loss for the player, and a draw, and depending on the player's strategy, his probability of winning is about 42-48%, but If the player does not play responsibly, his probability of losing will be 45-50%, in most cases, a draw option occurs in 8-9%. 

Player Bust Probability

If the points are less than 11, then the variant of overcall by the player is excluded because even with the maximum card, the sum will be less than 21, if the total number of points of the hand is 12 to 16, the probability of overcall increases many times, this is the case when the player must take a risk, if the points are more than 17, then overcalling will be extremely risky. 

Dealer Bust Probability

The probability of overcalling the dealer will depend on his open card. The dealer will be most vulnerable when his card is weak and ranges from 2 to 6, the dealer's bust will be affected by the number of decks of cards, the player's actions, and the cards themselves. 

Blackjack Hands and Their Odds

Hands have values and features that depend on the type of entertainment and other factors, however, the payout probabilities depend on how winning the combination is and what the casino rules are.


A move like insurance is optional, but it allows you to hedge your bet against the possibility that the dealer may beat your hand. This move is only available when the dealer's open card is an Ace. Make your insurance before the dealer checks if his combination is good.


This option is given to a player when he decides to surrender his hand after the first two cards. In exchange, half of the bet is returned to him, and this option helps to minimize losses, there are such concepts as early surrender and late surrender. In early surrender, a player can surrender before the host checks his hand for the best combination. A surrender is also made after the dealer checks for Black Jack; surrender can be favorable if the player has 16 points and the dealer's open card is a 9, 10, or an Ace.

The Number of Decks Used

The number of decks in the online casino is the same as in the land-based version of the gambling establishment, the main options range from one deck to 8 decks. One deck casino is rarely used because this option increases the chances of a player winning well, most often used variants of four, six, or eight decks, the number of decks is directly proportional to the probability of counting cards.


Its winning and losing will depend on the player's first two cards and the dealer's open card. Payment for this bet is made accordingly at specific probabilities specified in the rules, therefore, before using this bet, carefully study the payout chart. 

Perfect Pairs

The player must form a pair from the next open cards when requesting a perfect bet. Converting a pair of open two cards wins the bet depending on the type of this pair; if the pair cannot be formed, the whole bet is lost. The more decks will be used in the entertainment, the higher the probability of forming pairs, but if you look from the perspective of blackjack casino odds, then with more decks, the percentage of casino advantage will be greater. 


When you activate this feature, you only get one extra card, but it will cause you a problem if you are dealt a low card and can no longer take the extra card, then, you will lose twice as much because your bet is multiplied by two when you double; therefore, using the developed mathematical probability theory, it is better to know when to double your bet. The best time to double your bet is when the hand total is 11, hard 9 or 10, soft 16, 17, 18.


The split feature allows a player to split his hand into two parts when two identical cards are dealt. Then, he can play against the dealer equally with each hand, increasing the player's blackjack winning odds. The winning cards for the split all carry a face value of 10 points. When the hand splits into two parts, the player makes an additional bet equal to the initial bet. 

6 to 5 Odds

Casinos looking to gain a greater advantage in the game are introducing just such chances. Increasing these accelerates the gaming process, and the gambling sites earn more profit.

Blackjack Odds Variations Based on Game Type

Depending on the type, the peculiarities of the particular table chosen, and the rules of gaming establishments. All this can significantly affect the user's strategy, odds of winning blackjack, and the house edge. We suggest you study the main variations of chances, which depend on the rules and type, and other factors.

Single-Deck vs. Multi-Deck Blackjack

The card play has variations, such as Spanish 21, classic, European, American, and other formats, they all differ in the rules and the number of decks used in the gaming sessions. They affect the user's strategy and the blackjack odds, multiplying your bet if you win, and you can get a big winning 6:5 in single-deck, but in multi-deck variations, the standard multiplier is 3:2.

Using a single deck of cards greatly simplifies counting the cards themselves, so such a strategy worked 100% in real life, but in online mode, conducting this counting is much more difficult. Nevertheless, you can still find multi-deck and single-deck blackjack payout odds online differ.

It is also worth remembering that they offer multi-deck variations without counting, for example, Spanish 21 also lacks 10s, and the decks there are 6-8, but at the same time, many users adore the entertainment because it gives bonus combinations and excellent winnings. In the European variation, you will play with two decks, and from the features, you can highlight that you will have an advantage on the side of collecting natural entertainment, therefore, even in multi-deck, you can get great wins.

European Blackjack vs. American Blackjack

The European and American versions of the card entertainment are the most popular variants, and each has its differences in rules. Let's take a look at the basic stats to help you compare and see the difference between the two:

  1. Everyone plays with two decks in the European version, while the American type uses 4 to 8 decks.
  2. In the American version, the dealer deals with one hole card and one open card, in the European version, the dealer deals with one open card first and takes the second card only after all players have completed their turn.
  3. In the European version, the dealer does not look at his cards until the users have completed their moves. This is quite a risky move, as players have no way of knowing if the dealer has collected the correct combination. In the American version, the dealer can check the combination for 21 points after being dealt, if he has a 10 or an ace in an open card and a top combination, it ends before it begins.
  4. In the European variant, you can only double your bets if the sum of your combination is 9, 10, or 11 points, and in the American version, you can double your bet on any two cards.
  5. In the European, you can only split cards of the same denomination, but splitting is prohibited after doubling your bet. In American type, you can split any pair even after doubling your bet.
  6. In the European format, if the dealer has a soft 17 in his hand, the house edge is reduced, and he is also obliged to take one more card, which can lead to an overcall, in American croupiers, croupiers are obliged to take a card on soft 17, but this can be a chance to improve hands, affecting the casino's advantage.
  7. The European has no surrender rules, so the player will continue the session regardless of the strength of his hands, but in the American one, there is an option to surrender and return half of your bet if your starting hand is very weak.
  8. European does not offer side or bonus bets, but 21+3 or even progressive jackpots may be available in American.

The choice between these two options depends solely on your preferences and desires, if you do not want to be distracted by bonuses, it is better to choose the European format. 

Live Dealer Blackjack Odds

The best blackjack odds in a card entertainment with a live dealer depend on the online casino's rules and the game's variation. But in most cases, they have standard indicators characteristic of classic entertainment. Let's study them in more detail:

  1. For two-card, you can get 3:2; in some, it can even be 6:5.
  2. Double betting pays 1:1, which is the gold standard for all variations.
  3. The split depends on the totals: if you have a regular win, it's 1:1, and if you managed to collect a combination with the name of this scouting operation after the split, it's 3:2.
  4. Side bets can present bonus payouts; for example, if you collect a pair with different suits, you get 5:1. If the color is one - 10:1, the same suit will present you with 30:1.
  5. In versions with progressive jackpots, the payout will go to the person who collects a black jack of two cards or the same suit.

Live dealer games use standardized chances, so you won't go wrong if you want to experiment with the options, but familiarize yourself with the table rules and blackjack odds table, they will help you better choose strategies and the card game variations themselves.

Handy Hint

This feature is convenient for new players just learning the rules. When activating the handy hint, the system analyzes the situation on the table in real-time and offers the player the most optimal actions. It is very convenient to use at the initial stage, but in the future, it is better to develop your own strategy and follow it. 

Blackjack Switch

Such an opportunity has appeared to players recently, when activating Switch, the player can play two hands separately and move cards from one to the other. With competent card shuffling, the player increases his chances of regular winning. 

Free Bet Blackjack

Often, online casinos offer players the option of free play and the possibility of doubling bets or splitting pairs. This chance thrills the player and minimizes financial risks. It stimulates more aggressive play, and the card game takes on new colors. 

Online Blackjack – You vs The Computer

In an online casino, you compete against an automated program that runs on a random number generator algorithm. There are many advantages here, such as not having to wait in line until other players complete the session, the game being available around the clock, and its rules remaining standard.

Online Blackjack – Live Dealer Games

Many online platforms also allow players to compete with live dealers in online casinos. This option adds more realism and a good gaming experience. Players can watch the actions of a real croupier in real-time and communicate with him in online chat. The gaming sessions here are a bit longer than in automated programs. 

Face Up 21

This variant is quite common in online casinos. The dealer's first two cards are immediately exposed to the public when the cards are dealt. Therefore, the player can build blackjack odds with perfect strategy based on the number of points the croupier has.

House Edge in Blackjack

House Edge or Casino Advantage measures the house's advantage over the player, expressed as a percentage of the first bet. This value varies depending on the player's strategy and the rules of a particular table. Let's take a closer look at the basic factors that affect the house advantage:

  1. The fewer decks, the lower the house edge, which makes it less likely for a player to lose a bet.
  2. If the dealer must draw a card with a soft 17 in hand, the house edge increases by 0.2%.
  3. Standard odds in blackjack payouts for natural reduce the level of casino advantage, but the chances of 6:5, on the contrary, increase by 1.4%.
  4. If you choose the European format, doubling the bet raises the house edge by 0.09%.
  5. If you can split multiple times, you can reduce the casino advantage.
  6. The approximate house edge rates of the different variants are also worth exploring. Single-deck has a 0.17% house edge, while multi-deck has a 0.46% house edge.

To reduce the casino advantage, users should use the basic strategy, rely on the odds of winning blackjack with basic strategy, and choose tables with favorable rules.

Strategies for Improving Your Blackjack Odds

Each player's strategy can reduce the house edge and increase his odds of blackjack, all tactics are based on mathematical solutions that minimize the casino advantage and increase the chances of winning. Let's take a closer look at the main variants of strategies:

  1. The basic strategy involves doubling your bet if you have 11 in your hand and the dealer's open card is from 10, you can split eights and aces and stay on a particular combination if you have 17 points or more, completing the card is worth it if you have less than 12 points in your hand and the dealer's card is 7 or more.
  2. The cards counting strategy involves keeping track of the number of low and high cards remaining. The system is straightforward - add one card for every low card and subtract 1 for every high card.
  3. Properly allocate your gaming budget for each play session and use a specific percentage of your total balance for a single bet.
  4. Choose the right tables where the highest payout is 3:2, the deck count is low, and the rules offer late surrender and doubling up after a split.
  5. Avoid insurance and side bets to save money for likely wins.
  6. Learn your cards and situations in demo mode, then move on to actual money sessions.
  7. Take advantage of bonuses and promotions provided by the gaming platforms.
  8. Experiment with different types of entertainment to get a great gaming experience.

The strategies are based on risk management, mathematical decisions, choosing the right game, and taking advantage of the platform's bonus program.

Using Blackjack Odds Calculators

There are unique calculators that make decisions during gaming sessions easier for users. They will be helpful for beginners and experienced players who want to learn basic strategy and improve their blackjack odds of winning. 

Chances calculators analyze your hand and the dealer's hand and then suggest a decision - stand, take a card, split a pair, double down, fold. Additionally, the tools calculate the probability of winning, losing, or drawing and can also calculate how table rules affect the house's advantage.

Calculators can help you test different scenarios and understand when and what strategy is best to apply so you can learn how to deal with different situations and avoid mistakes. However, in the case of this tool, it is also important to realize that they have some disadvantages.

One of the main disadvantages of using calculators is the ban on using such tools, limitations in the game's speed, and the calculator's inaccessibility for counting cards. Therefore, use such options as a tutorial and do not rely on their calculations completely. It is better to take this opportunity to hone your skills and become a master of your craft.

Tips for Beginners to Understand Blackjack Odds

New players need to familiarize themselves with the game and understand the meaning of the chances. This approach will improve their control over the game and make more deliberate moves. Let's take a look at some basic and simple tips for beginners to understand the chances:

  1. They should understand the bare payout. The payout is usually 3:2. You get one and a half times as much if you combine a given combination. 
  2. They also need to learn the rules for doubling and splitting. If they use these features wisely, they will help beginners a lot. 
  3. One must understand that the dealer always has an advantage because he goes last. This will add caution to the beginner's actions. 
  4. One must remember to use basic strategy. 
  5. Remember to use surrender to compensate for at least half of your bet. 
  6. Attention to the betting chances is imperative. Each casino variant has its betting features. 

After we review all the features and elements of the chances in the card game, new players will be able to understand more quickly and start practicing.


The probability of winning will depend on the strategy you undertake during the gaming session. But generally speaking, the chances of winning are around 42-44%. 

With a perfect strategy, the casino's advantage can be reduced to 0.5%, which is more suitable for the long term.

This type has the highest chances because it allows players to use different strategies to reduce the casino's advantage.

Although entertainment is based on a random number generator algorithm, and its results are almost unpredictable, this game depends more on skill. When you use your knowledge of the chances wisely, you increase your chance of winning.

For a regular win, the player gets 1:1, and for a Black Jack combination, 3:2, but if some casinos set the chances at 6:5, the winnings will be much lower. 

Yes, it has the best chances of winning here, as the house advantage here is usually the lowest among other casino gambling activities.

Those cards with a face value of 10 points are considered boost cards.

The probability of getting 12 points on the first two cards is about 4-5%.
